Faculty Office Hours

Please schedule appointments using our online scheduling tool in the Student Hub. Be aware that some of our faculty advisors are only conducting phone or virtual appointments. Be sure to check your university email for any follow up regarding the mode in which your appointment will be conducted. Please contact the Department of Art office at 303-615-0300 if you need any assistance making an appointment.

Department of Art Faculty & Staff Directory

Department Chair

Matt Jenkins

Matt Jenkins (he/him)

Professor - Art

Office Location: AR 187Q

mjenki11@msudenver.edu 303-615-0634

Department of Art Faculty

Portrait of Professor Marin Abell

Marin Abell

Associate Professor - Sculpture Area Coordinator

Office Location: AR 187G

mabell@msudenver.edu 303-615-0921
Lisa Abendroth

Lisa Abendroth (she/her)

Professor - Communication Design

Office Location: CN 311D

abendrot@msudenver.edu 303-615-0102
Portrait of Professor Nima Bahrehmand

Nima Bahrehmand (he/they)

Assistant Professor - Art

Office Location: AR 187K

nibahrehma@msudenver.edu 303-615-0131
Peter Bergman

Peter Miles Bergman

Professor - Communication Design

Office Location: CN 311A

pbergma3@msudenver.edu 303-615-0188
Portrait of Michael Bernhardt

Michael Bernhardt

Associate Professor - Studio Art

Office Location: RO 207

mbernha2@msudenver.edu 303-615-1147
Leslie Boyd

leslie boyd (they/them)

Associate Professor - Studio Art Program Coordinator and Jewelry Design & Metalsmithing Area Coordinator

Office Location: RO 206

lboyd24@msudenver.edu 303-605-5887
Rachael Delaney

Rachael Delaney

Professor - Art Education

Office Location: AR 187F

rdelane3@msudenver.edu 303-615-0343
Carlos Fresquez

Carlos Frésquez

Professor Emeritus - Painting

Tsehai Johnson

Tsehai Johnson

Professor - Ceramics Area Coordinator

Office Location: AR 187E

johnsots@msudenver.edu 303-615-0645
Portrait of Maeve Leslie

Maeve Leslie (they/them)

Assistant Professor - Printmaking Area Coordinator

Office Location: AR 187N

maleslie@msudenver.edu 303-605-5596
Shawn Meek

Shawn Meek (he/him)

Associate Professor - Communication Design Program Coordinator

Office Location: CN 311B

smeek3@msudenver.edu 303-615-1437
Jillian Mollenhauer

Jillian Mollenhauer, Ph.D.

Professor - Art History, Theory and Criticism

Office Location: AR 187M

jmollenh@msudenver.edu 303-615-0877
Kelly Monico

Kelly Monico (she/her/ella)

Professor - Communication Design and Studio Art

Office Location: CN 311C

kmonico@msudenver.edu 303-615-0879
Deanne Pytlinski

Deanne Pytlinski, Ph.D. (she/her)

Associate Professor - Art History, Theory and Criticism

Office Location: AR 187L

pytlinsk@msudenver.edu 303-615-1026
Natascha Seideneck

Natascha Seideneck

Associate Professor - Photography Area Coordinator

Office Location: RO 205

seidenec@msudenver.edu 303-615-1149
Professor Anne Thulson

Anne Thulson

Professor - Art Education Program Coordinator

Office Location: AR 187D

athulson@msudenver.edu 303-615-1237
Portrait of Summer Trentin

Summer Trentin, Ph.D. (she/her)

Professor - Art History, Theory and Criticism

Office Location: AR 187N

strentin@msudenver.edu 303-615-1253
Michele Clark

Jessica Weiss (she/her)

Professor - Art History, Theory and Criticism Program Coordinator

Office Location: AR 187J

jweiss16@msudenver.edu 303-615-1293
Portrait of Yunjin La-mei Woo, Ph.D.

Yunjin La-mei Woo, Ph.D. (she/they)

Associate Professor - Foundations Program Coordinator

Office Location: RO 204

Portrait of Professor Anne Yoncha

Anne Yoncha

Assistant Professor - Painting Area Coordinator

Office Location: AR 187H

anyoncha@msudenver.edu 303-615-0159

Department of Art Affiliate Faculty

No Photo

Robert Atkinson


ratkins8@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
No Photo

Hannah Badwan

Communication Design

hbadwan@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Finley Baker

Finley Baker (she/they)


kbaker42@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
No Photo

Amber BonDurant

Art Education

bonduraa@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Teresa Castaneda

Teresa Castaneda


tcastan5@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
No Photo

Liz Covert

Jewelry Design & Metalsmithing

elcovert@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
No Photo

Kim Harrell

Jewelry Design & Metalsmithing

kiharrell@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Mattie Hough

Mattie Hough (she/her)

Art History, Theory and Criticism

mahough@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Gregory Jesse

Greg Jesse

Communication Design

gjesse@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
No Photo

Elizabeth Langyher


elangyhe@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Heather Link Bergman

Heather Link-Bergman (she/her)

Communication Design

hlink@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
No Photo

Jenna Madison

Art History, Theory and Criticism

jmadiso7@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
No Photo

Alexandra Mamatas

Art Education

amamatas@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Teague McDaniel

Teague McDaniel (they/them)


smcdan10@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Martin Mendelsberg

Martin Mendelsberg

Foundations & Communication Design

mmendel1@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
No Photo

April Morris

Art History, Theory and Criticism

apmorris@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Kenzie Sitterud. Photographer credit Sigri Strand.

Kenzie Sitterud (they/them)

Communication Design

msitteru@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Joe Tafoya

Joe Tafoya

Communication Design

jtafoy34@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Alexander Richard Wilson

Alexander Richard Wilson


alwilson@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300

Department of Art Staff

Adrienne Christy

Adrienne Christy

Art and Tech Support Staff

Office Location: RO 209

achris24@msudenver.edu 303-615-0289
Christopher Empson

Christopher Empson

Photography Lab Manager

Office Location: AR 175

cempson@msudenver.edu 303-615-0300
Portrait of Jeffrey McCray

Jeffrey McCray, DMA

Academic Advisor I and Music Instructor

Office Location: AR 277E (In Music Department)

jmccray4@msudenver.edu 303-605-5292
Portrait of Molly Robbins

Molly Robbins

Budget and Procurement Manager

Office Location: AR 187B

mrobbi14@msudenver.edu 303.605.7827
Wendy Ross

Wendy Ross (she/her)

Program Manager

Office Location: AR 187A

wross12@msudenver.edu 303-615-1080
Portrait of Tracy Sagalow

Tracy Sagalow (she/her)

2D and Foundations Studio Manager

Office Location: RO 209

tsagalow@msudenver.edu 303-605-5085
Portrait of Teri Slick

Teri Slick

Academic Advisor III

Office Location: AR 286A (in Music Department)

tslick@msudenver.edu 303-605-7410
Walter Ware

Walter Ware

3D Studio Manager

Office Location: AR 198

wwareiii@msudenver.edu 303-605-7262

Department of Art Office Assistants

No Photo

Krista Allen

No Photo

Michelle Burns

No Photo

Anahi Solis Balderrama

No Photo

Faduma Sufi


Department of Art

Office Location:
Auraria Campus Arts Building
First Floor, Suite 187

Find the Arts Building on Google Maps

Mailing Address:

Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Art
Campus Box 59
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362

Shipping Address:

Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Art
1201 5th Street
Denver, CO 80204